Diksha Chandel, a dedicated student of Stone Ridge International School, has showcased exceptional prowess in the field of martial arts, bringing honor to both her school and her state, Uttarakhand. She has consistently proven herself as a talented athlete, participating in various events and earning commendable achievements.
In the International Karate Championship held at Talkatora Stadium in Delhi, Diksha Chandel represented India and her home state Uttarakhand with great
distinction. Competing in both kata and kumite categories, she demonstrated remarkable skill and determination. Her efforts were rewarded with a Silver Medal in kata and a Bronze Medal in kumite, exemplifying her prowess in both aspects of karate.
Furthermore, Diksha's dedication and commitment extended to the Kick Boxing State Championship hosted in Dehradun. Once again, she showcased her exceptional talent by securing a Gold Medal in point fight and a Bronze Medal in light contact fight. Her consistent performance and determination did not go unnoticed, as she earned the privilege of representing Uttarakhand in the National Kick Boxing Championship, which took place in Ranchi, Jharkhand.
Diksha's achievements in both the International Karate Championship and the Kick Boxing State Championship underscore her remarkable athletic abilities and commitment to her craft. Her success not only brings recognition to her school and state but also serves as an inspiration to aspiring athletes everywhere. With her selection for the National Kick Boxing Championship, Diksha continues to pave her way to greater heights in the realm of martial arts.